Free vector converter

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Up to 50 files

Using the online vector converter, you can perform 2 different operations:
  • Convert raster to a vector image, eg, convert JPG to AI, PNG to AI (using the utility Potrace). At the output you will get a black and white image. If you need to get a color vector image, you can use our autotrace tool with fine conversion settings.
  • Convert the vector to vector format, eg, convert SVG to AI, AI to SVG, PDF to AI (using the UniConvertor).

About free vector converter

Vector graphics give designers and artists with tremendous opportunities, but the presence of many proprietary formats of various graphic editors creates serious difficulties in exchanging files. It can be a real problem for you to translate, for example, SVG to AI or EPS to AI to be able to work in a familiar format. Another option is possible when you are asked to submit work in a format that you cannot export your graphics editor, for example, you may need to convert the AI ​​to SVG. But with our service, this is not a problem and we offer you an online converter that can convert vector graphics of the following formats:
Import filters: Export filters:
  • CorelDRAW ver.1-X6 (CDR/CDT/CCX/CDRX/CMX)
  • Adobe Illustrator up to 9 ver. (AI postscript based)
  • Postscript (PS)
  • Encapsulated Postscript (EPS)
  • Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
  • Windows Metafile (WMF)
  • XFIG
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
  • Skencil/Sketch/sK1 (SK and SK1)
  • Acorn Draw (AFF)
  • AI (Postscript based Adobe Illustrator 5.0 format)
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
  • SK (Sketch/Skencil format)
  • SK1 (sK1 format)
  • CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile)
  • WMF (Windows Metafile)
  • PDF (Portable Document Format)
  • PS (PostScript)
With our online service, you forget that the task of converting a vector to another format could have caused some difficulties. To translate, for example, EPS to AI, you just need to select the required format, then select the file on your computer. After a few seconds, you can download the vector in the required format from our website to your computer.

How to Convert Image to Vector

Our converter can not only convert vector graphics, but also raster. This allows you to quickly convert any images, eg. PNG to vector (for example, PNG to SVG) or JPG to vector (for example, JPG to SVG). Result convert PNG to Vector with potrace In this case, you only get black and white contours, but they will be processed perfectly and smoothly enough. For further processing in any vector editor. Fortunately, the number of free editors is large, for example, sK1 2.0
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